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Create list with first and last day of month for given period

I have to generate a list with two columns of day intervals for every month in a specific period. First column must be the first day of month and the second column the last day of month.

Start date: 2014-01-01
End date: 2014-06-30

The result should be in two columns:

1. 2014-01-01 | 2014-01-31
2. 2014-02-01 | 2014-02-28
3. 2014-03-01 | 2014-03-31
4. 2014-04-01 | 2014-04-30
5. 2014-05-01 | 2014-05-31
6. 2014-06-01 | 2014-06-30

I have two functions that get the first and last day from a date. I am trying to combine two series but with no luck.

select i::date
from generate_series(first_day('2014-01-01')
                    ,first_day('2014-06-30'), '1 month'::interval) i

select i::date
from generate_series(last_day('2014-01-01')
                    ,last_day('2014-06-30'), '1 month'::interval) i

The second function does not show the last day correctly when it is in the series.


  • Based on this answer:

    select d::date as start_date,(d + '1 month'::interval - '1 day'::interval )::date end_date
    from generate_series('2014-01-01'::date, '2014-06-30'::date, '1 month'::interval) d