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Sql : Update a row with a concatened string obtained with xmlPath

I have to update a table column with a result of a concatened string obtained with xmlpath.

For exemple, I have to do something like that

Update table c
set c.languages = 
(SELECT '\r\n'+rl.Name AS [text()] 
    from ResourceLanguage as rl 
        where rl.resource_Id=c.resource_Id
    FOR XML PATH (''))

I get an error 'Incorrect syntax near c'.

P.S : In my exemple, the field Languages is of type nvarchar(max)

Can somebody help me? Thanks


  • I found the solution. Here is it:

     DECLARE @tempTable TABLE
        Id int,
        Languages nvarchar(max)
    INSERT @tempTable (Id, Languages )
        select r1.resource_Id, Stuff((select', '+ rl.Name as [text()]
          from ResourceLanguage as rl 
          where rl.resource_Id=c.resource_Id
          for xml path(''), type).value('.', 'nvarchar(250)'), 1, 2, '')
        from Resource r1
    Update Resource 
    Set Languages = temp.Languages 
        FROM @tempTable temp  
        where resource_Id=temp.resource_Id