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Trying to add CSS to Docbook using Saxon

I am trying to add a CSS file to my Docbook HTML output. Most examples say:

xsltproc --stringparam html.stylesheet  corpstyle.css  chunk.xsl  myfile.xml

Ours is a Saxon based toolkit... So accordingly, I changed the build file to:

<java jar="${DocBook}/saxon/saxon.jar" fork="true" dir="${gen.dir}/html-multi">
         <arg line="com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet"/>
         <arg line="${basedir}/book.xml "/>
         <arg line="${DocBook}/html/chunk.xsl "/>
         <arg line="html.stylesheet=mycss.css"/>

When running ant, this results in:

Bad param=value on the command line.

How do I set this up?


  • That seems more like an Ant problem, try

    <java jar="${DocBook}/saxon/saxon.jar" fork="true" dir="${gen.dir}/html-multi">
             <arg line="${basedir}/book.xml "/>
             <arg line="${DocBook}/html/chunk.xsl "/>
             <arg line="html.stylesheet=mycss.css"/>

    as it seems the main class is taken from the jar argument.