hi guys i have column that is Nvarchar(50) that i use it as a date type column because i use Persian calendar now i want to select times from two different time for example show me data s that are between 2012/12/18 and 2012/12/20 how could i do that please help and by the way i want use Stored Procedures for these actions i try this but it dose not return any thing
ALTER proc [dbo].[sel_monthReport] @fdate nvarchar(50),@sdate nvarchar(50),@para nvarchar(50)
declare @parametr nvarchar(50)
set @parametr=@para
select * from main where @parametr>=@fdate and @parametr <=@sdate
Let's say you have a column in your main
table called RecordDate, and this column is of type nvarchar, with the date format yyyy/mm/dd.
In that case, you don't need the @para parameter in your stored procedure. Change it to something like this:
ALTER PROC [dbo].[Sel_monthreport] @fdate NVARCHAR(50),
@sdate NVARCHAR(50)
FROM main
WHERE main.recorddate BETWEEN @fdate AND @sdate
Note, that this is a NVARCHAR comparison, ant it only works because your dates are stored in the format yyyy/mm/dd. In general, a better approach would be to compare DATETIME datatypes (better performance and less error-prone).
You can convert an NVARCHAR value to a DATETIME datatype using the CONVERT function: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187928.aspx