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Parallel background tasks on single worker dyno

We've got a Rails app where certain requests trigger long-running tasks on a worker dyno with delayed_job, while the front-end polls until it receives a result.

Our traffic is small but growing, and the tasks generally take only a few seconds to complete, but can take up to a minute. Right now a single web and worker dyno each should be sufficient to handle our load.

The problem is, the delayed_job queue won't process jobs in parallel, so a longer task ends up holding up the tasks behind it.

What we're looking for is something like Unicorn for the backend, where a single worker dyno can process multiple tasks concurrently. And since it's Rails, we're looking for something multi-process, not multi-threaded.

(We tried creating multiple worker entries in our procfile- This worked on the local dev box, but not on Heroku)


web: bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT -c ./config/unicorn.rb
# Multiple workers defined here doesn't translate into multiple processes on single worker dyno:
worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work
worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work
worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work

This Heroku article proposes using the resque-pool gem as a solution. Is that the only solution, or can delayed_job be used for parallel background jobs as well?


  • According to @radiospiel's related post, you can use foreman to start multiple processes.

    1) Add foreman to your Gemfile

    2) Create two files:


    web: bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT -c ./config/unicorn.rb
    worker: bundle exec foreman start -f Procfile.workers


    dj_worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work
    dj_worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work
    dj_worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work

    I just deployed this to Heroku, works great.