I want to create an app only applicable for one or two domains. And i am trying to follow the doc here, https://developers.google.com/apps-marketplace/listing
I have done all the steps except 7th step, as i don't want it to be published on marketplace.
Also i have got an url after publishing the app in webstore, but when i click on the link it only allow me to add as a chrome extension, but nothing as an market place app?
So now, how can i add it to my domain and any other specific domain i want?
Please let me know if you need more information.
You will actually want to publish but make sure you configure the visibility options correctly. In the Developer Dashboard you can make a listing available to your domain, a Google Group of testers, etc. In order to restrict to a domain, the admin creating the listing must be a member of the domain. So in order to restrict to more than one domain, I would recommend creating a unique listing per domain. Many system integrators take advantage of this by creating unique branding per domain. Alternatively you could use the Google Group route if that's all you need.