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How do I update a Custom Category (UIColor) in iOS?

I have created a custom class of UIColor so that I can easily update the color throughout my app. And I have a UITableView with various other color settings. I can't figure out how to update the custom color class to my new colors based on the selection.

Thanks for the assistance

EDIT For Clarity:

Custom Class:

+ (UIColor *)NPSBackgroundColor;
+ (UIColor *)NPSPrimaryColor;
+ (UIColor *)NPSSecondaryColor;
+ (UIColor *)NPSAccentColor;

+(UIColor *)NPSBackgroundColor{
return [UIColor colorWithRed: 0.909f green: 0.909f blue: 0.909f alpha:1];
+(UIColor *)NPSPrimaryColor{
    return [UIColor colorWithRed: 0.255 green: 0.357 blue: 0.655 alpha: 1];
+(UIColor *)NPSSecondaryColor{
    return [UIColor colorWithRed: 0.0f green: 0.0f blue: 0.0f alpha:1];
+(UIColor *)NPSAccentColor{
    return [UIColor colorWithRed: 0.0f green: 0.0f blue: 0.0f alpha:1];

I want to update the say "primaryColor" when a user taps a button....


  • Your code is hardcode with specific colors that can't be changed. You need to restructure the code to return variables than can be modified. Something like this:

    Your .h:

    @interface UIColor (MyColors)
    + (UIColor *)NPSBackgroundColor;
    + (UIColor *)NPSPrimaryColor;
    + (UIColor *)NPSSecondaryColor;
    + (UIColor *)NPSAccentColor;
    + (void)setNPPrimaryColor:(UIColor *)color;

    Your .m

    #import "UIColor+MyColors.h"
    static UIColor *NPSBackgroundColor = nil;
    static UIColor *NPSPrimaryColor = nil;
    static UIColor *NPSSecondaryColor = nil;
    static UIColor *NPSAccentColor = nil;
    @implementation UIColor (MyColors)
    +(UIColor *)NPSBackgroundColor{
        if (!NPSBackgroundColor) {
            NPSBackgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed: 0.909f green: 0.909f blue: 0.909f alpha:1];
        return NPSBackgroundColor;
    +(UIColor *)NPSPrimaryColor{
        if (!NPSPrimaryColor) {
            return [UIColor colorWithRed: 0.255 green: 0.357 blue: 0.655 alpha: 1];
        return NPSPrimaryColor;
    +(UIColor *)NPSSecondaryColor{
        if (!NPSSecondaryColor) {
            return [UIColor colorWithRed: 0.0f green: 0.0f blue: 0.0f alpha:1];
        return NPSSecondaryColor;
    +(UIColor *)NPSAccentColor{
        if (!NPSAccentColor) {
             return [UIColor colorWithRed: 0.0f green: 0.0f blue: 0.0f alpha:1];
        return NPSAccentColor;
    + (void)setNPSPrimaryColor:(UIColor)color {
        NPSPrimaryColor = color;

    Feel free to add the other setters.