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Best practice for unions in Go

Go has no unions. But unions are necessary in many places. XML makes excessive use of unions or choice types. I tried to find out, which is the preferred way to work around the missing unions. As an example I tried to write Go code for the non terminal Misc in the XML standard which can be either a comment, a processing instruction or white space.

Writing code for the three base types is quite simple. They map to character arrays and a struct.

type Comment Chars

type ProcessingInstruction struct {
    Target *Chars
    Data *Chars

type WhiteSpace Chars

But when I finished the code for the union, it got quite bloated with many redundant functions. Obviously there must be a container struct.

type Misc struct {
    value interface {}

In order to make sure that the container holds only the three allowed types I made the value private and I had to write for each type a constructor.

func MiscComment(c *Comment) *Misc {
    return &Misc{c}

func MiscProcessingInstruction (pi *ProcessingInstruction) *Misc {
    return &Misc{pi}

func MiscWhiteSpace (ws *WhiteSpace) *Misc {
    return &Misc{ws}

In order to be able to test the contents of the union it was necessary to write three predicates:

func (m Misc) IsComment () bool {
    _, itis := m.value.(*Comment)
    return itis

func (m Misc) IsProcessingInstruction () bool {
    _, itis := m.value.(*ProcessingInstruction)
    return itis

func (m Misc) IsWhiteSpace () bool {
    _, itis := m.value.(*WhiteSpace)
    return itis

And in order to get the correctly typed elements it was necessary to write three getters.

func (m Misc) Comment () *Comment {
    return m.value.(*Comment)

func (m Misc) ProcessingInstruction () *ProcessingInstruction {
    return m.value.(*ProcessingInstruction)

func (m Misc) WhiteSpace () *WhiteSpace {
    return m.value.(*WhiteSpace)

After this I was able to create an array of Misc types and use it:

func main () {

    miscs := []*Misc{
        MiscWhiteSpace((*WhiteSpace)(NewChars(" \n")))}

    for _, misc := range miscs {
        if (misc.IsComment()) {
            fmt.Println ((*Chars)(misc.Comment()))
        } else if (misc.IsProcessingInstruction()) {
            fmt.Println (*misc.ProcessingInstruction())
        } else if (misc.IsWhiteSpace()) {
            fmt.Println ((*Chars)(misc.WhiteSpace()))
        } else {
            panic ("invalid misc");

You see there is much code looking almost the same. And it will be the same for any other union. So my question is: Is there any way to simplify the way to deal with unions in Go?

Go claims to simplify programing work by removing redundancy. But I think the above example shows the exact opposite. Did I miss anything?

Here is the complete example:


  • As it seems that you're asking because you want type safety, I would firstly argue that your initial solution is already unsafe as you have

    func (m Misc) Comment () *Comment {
        return m.value.(*Comment)

    which will panic if you haven't checked IsComment before. Therefore this solution has no benefits over a type switch as proposed by Volker.

    Since you want to group your code you could write a function that determines what a Misc element is:

    func IsMisc(v {}interface) bool {
        switch v.(type) {
            case Comment: return true
            // ...

    That, however, would bring you no compiler type checking either.

    If you want to be able to identify something as Misc by the compiler then you should consider creating an interface that marks something as Misc:

    type Misc interface {
    type Comment Chars
    func (c Comment) ImplementsMisc() {}
    type ProcessingInstruction
    func (p ProcessingInstruction) ImplementsMisc() {}

    This way you could write functions that are only handling misc. objects and get decide later what you really want to handle (Comments, instructions, ...) in these functions.

    If you want to mimic unions then the way you wrote it is the way to go as far as I know.