I am unable to get my controller linked to my view. If I include the view using ng-view and have the controller name in the route, the transclusion fails in Angular-route.js when it trys to link in the ngViewFillContentFactory. If I use the ng-controller attribute in the view itself, it fails in angular.js on the boundTranscludeFn that binds the controller to the view. In both cases I can see the application and the 'shell' controller are loaded into the DOM. In both cases the error message "Argument 'shell' is not a function".
The ng-app tag is set in the html tag to the name of the application. Why can the application not find the controller? What tiny little detail am I missing?
Here is the error message (I am calling the controller on two different divs) and here is the controller function loaded into the angular controllers collection.
The ng_app attribute is set to "cockpit" in the html tag and in both cases now I am using the router to assign the shell controller to both the view and the ng-included partial. The same thing happens if I assign the ng-attribute tag to "shell" in shell.html only the error occurs in another part of the code.
I am trying to put together a test app to reproduce the problem which I can post on git.
So the problem was how I was constructing my module. I can't tell you exactly what I did wrong because I don't yet understand exactly how modules work. What I did was to reduce the application down until I got it to work and added things back one by one until I found the thing that broke the app.