I have the following C++ function exported in a DLL:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool GetResolutionArray(int32_t adapterIndex, int32_t outputIndex, uint32_t arrayLength, Resolution outResolutionArr[]) {
sizeof(Resolution) * arrayLength,
RENDER_COMPONENT.GetResolutionArray(adapterIndex, outputIndex),
RENDER_COMPONENT.GetOutput(adapterIndex, outputIndex).NumResolutions * sizeof(Resolution)
return true;
And, the matching extern function declaration in C#:
[DllImport(InteropUtils.RUNTIME_DLL, EntryPoint = "GetResolutionArray", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
internal static extern bool _GetResolutionArray(int adapterIndex, int outputIndex, uint resolutionArrayLength, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray), In, Out] ref Resolution[] resolutions);
However, when I attempt to use this function as below, the program crashes with a FatalExecutionEngineError (indicating I corrupted something somewhere I guess) (error code 0xc0000005, i.e. access violation):
Resolution[] resolutions = new Resolution[outOutputDesc.NumResolutions];
if (!_GetResolutionArray(outAdapterDesc.AdapterIndex, outOutputDesc.OutputIndex, (uint) resolutions.Length, ref resolutions)) {
EnginePipeline.TerminateWithError("Internal engine call failed: _GetResolutionArray");
I strongly suspect that my call to memcpy_s
is causing the access violation, but I can't see how or why, and I therefore reason that perhaps the marshalling is going wrong somewhere.
Thank you.
The array parameter is declared incorrectly. A C# array is already a reference and so you don't need the ref
. Declare it like this:
[DllImport(InteropUtils.RUNTIME_DLL, EntryPoint = "GetResolutionArray",
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
internal static extern bool _GetResolutionArray(int adapterIndex,
int outputIndex, uint resolutionArrayLength, Resolution[] resolutions);