I am fairly new to GRAILS, using 2.3.5.
I have a fairly simple domain object:
class Product {
String name
ProductType type
ProductType subtype
String desc
static belongsTo = [organization: Organization]
static constraints = {
name blank: false
type blank: false
subtype blank: false
desc nullable: true, maxSize:1000
I then have the following for the controller save action:
def save(Product productInstance) {
if(!productInstance.save()) {
respond productInstance.errors, view: 'create'
} else {
request.withFormat {
form {
flash.message = "Product '${productInstance.name}' was created successfully!"
redirect controller: 'product', action: 'index'
'*' {respond productInstance, [status: CREATED]}
No matter what constraint I use, I get the expected result, which is the DB insert will not succeed, but I don't get the errors trapped and sent back to the "create" view like I expect, I get the error.gsp page with a SERVER 500 Error stating the exception and the failed query. Is there a setting I am missing? I am just using the H2 DB.
def save(Product product) {
if (product.hasErrors()){
log.error product.errors
render view:'/product/create', model:[product:product]
flash.message = "Product '${product.name}' was created successfully!"
redirect controller: 'product', action: 'index'