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Transforming images and mp3 files into a video file on android

I am thinking to start the development of a new project and I have some ideas in mind, but I am not sure how much is doable in android.
The steps of the app would be:

  1. The user selects a set of images from Gallery
  2. The user selects an audio file from external storage
  3. I combine the images and the sound (each image is displayed for a timeframe) into a movie file that can be exported to YouTube

From my research I wasn't able to find any way to create the movie. All the answers contained links to android NDK and external codecs.

So my question is: which would be the easiest way of making this on android?


  • Okay, your idea is feasible. You need to have Ffmpeg compiled for android. First have a look for it at Stack link.Then decide yourselves as per need.

    After you have Ffmpeg compiled for android, you can just search and extract/add audio as per your needs. To give a a start have a look at this and FFmpeg Docs Guide/Official Example.

    To make video from images have a look at Ffmpeg official example. You can find plenty of these on google.

    After having all these things on your hand, you are ready for your project. I would suggest to try and familiarize yourself for Ffmpeg on Windows/Linux as per your need first.

    Hope this would help.
