Search code examples

Solr dataimport handler query

I have following a dataimport handler:

<entity name="Categories" query="Select * From Categories">

  <field column="Name" name="categoryNgram"/>

    <entity name="CategorySynonyms" query="Select Synonym From CategorySynonyms Where CID='${Categories.Id}'">  

     <field column="Synonym" name="synonym"/>   



The database tables have following values:


Id Name

1 Category1



1 CategorySynonym1 1 CategorySynonym2

In the result is says Total Rows Fetched: 3

But when i select all from index : i only receive one row in the result:

Category1 SynonymCategory1

Is there something wrong with the syntax that makes it create only one document when is should create two?


  • It's expected as the total number of rows fetched from database is 3 (1 from table Categories and 2 from CategorySynonyms).

    The total number of document in solr is 1, as expected too:

    Synonym: CategorySynonym1,CategorySynonym2

    Perhaps you can try

    <entity name="Categories" query="Select CID,Name,Synonym From Categories join CategorySynonyms on Id=CID">
      <field column="Name" name="categoryNgram"/>
      <field column="Synonym" name="synonym"/>   

    Note: you may have to verify the SQL query to make sure it returns an Id field, and two rows as you would expected.