I am trying to pick out a value in a field where the first character is a lower case letter. This is difficult since DB2 does not permit regular expressions. My current attempt is:
select * from mytable
where field1 like lcase('_%')
where I was hoping the underscore followed by percent wildcard would find any character in the first position, and then wrap the lcase() around that to ensure it is lower case. the result is that any and every value gets selected, so the lcase() is not performing what I want it to do, and in hindsight is used to cast to lowercase.
With that in mind, how to I ensure that the result of
is lowercase only?
Thanks very much
i would use something like:
... where substr(field1,1,1) <> upper(substr(field1,1,1))
solution with 'a'...'z'
will not work with characters different from latin characterset (e.g. cyrilic etc)