I have a post_type
named properties, with the fields prop_address, prop_lat, prop_lng
(for google map) and a function in php for computing those last values from the address one.
I have imported a massive amount of property posts, now I have them all, with the address set, but lat,long not.
In the add - property admin page (in dashboard) there is a button "Place pin from address" thats triggers that function, and filling the lat, long fields.
How can I generate a click event for all posts / call that function easily?
Trigger "Place pin from address" (I'm assuming this uses PHP and not JS) on the save_post hook. Then do a loop of all property posts and run wp_update_post on each (which will fire the save_post hook).
If the place pin from address is using JS then you'll need to replicate that functionality in PHP to use the above method. There's a class that will help you do just that.
Useful links:
https://github.com/jstayton/GoogleMapsGeocoder http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference/save_post http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_update_post http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/get_posts