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non-ARC: Should I call [super init] before [self release]?

I have a custom non-ARC init, and I wonder if I should call [super init] before releasing self.

Solution A, not calling [super init] before [self release]:

- (instancetype)initWithInteger:(NSInteger)anInteger
    if (anInteger == 0)
        [self release];
        return nil;
    self = [super init];
    if (!self)
        return nil;

    // Initialization code
    self.i = anInteger;

    return self;

Solution B, calling [super init] before [self release]:

- (instancetype)initWithInteger:(NSInteger)anInteger
    self = [super init];
    if (!self)
        return nil;
    if (anInteger == 0)
        [self release];
        return nil;

    // Initialization code
    self.i = anInteger;

    return self;


  • I would go with the second pattern. The reason for this is that super's dealloc might possibly rely on something in super's init having been done to work properly.

    Here is a (very) contrived example, this is the init and dealloc method in a class that you are subclassing.

    @implementation ASuperClass
        char* foo;
    -(id) init 
        self = [super init];
        if (self != nil)
            foo = strdup("blah blah blah");
        return self;
    -(void) dealloc
        if (foo[1] == 'l')
            NSLog(@"Second character was l");

    In the above, if this is the class you inherited from, your first pattern will throw an EXC_BAD_ACCESS on a null pointer dereference.