I have the requirement to save the 5 most recent pictures from the 'Saved Pictures' album from MediaLibrary into IsolatedStorage. I am not quite sure the best way to accomplish this task. So far I am searching through the MediaLibrary for the 'Saved Pictures' album. If the album exists and pictures exist within that album, I need to take the most recent 5 images that start with the filename "TestApp" and save them to IsolatedStorage. The names will be used to update a tile, so the filepath of each image is very specific. What I have so far is as follows, I'm jus tnot sure how to save p.GetImage()
(which returns an image from the MediaLibrary of type System.IO.Stream
) to IsolatedStorage with the updated filename
private PictureCollection _pictures = null;
public void StoreCycleTileImages()
string _photoPath = @"\Shared\ShellContent";
string _photoFilename = null;
int i = 0;
using (MediaLibrary library = new MediaLibrary())
foreach (PictureAlbum album in library.RootPictureAlbum.Albums)
if (album.Name == "Saved Pictures")
_pictures = album.Pictures;
if(_pictures != null)
//search for the most recent pictures in the album with the correct file name
foreach (var p in _pictures.Reverse())
if (i >= 5)
if (p.Name.Substring(0,7) == "TestApp")
i += 1;
using (IsolatedStorageFile storage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
if (!storage.DirectoryExists(_photoPath))
//Update file name
_photoFilename = @"" + i.ToString();
if (storage.FileExists(_photoPath + @"\" + _photoFilename))
storage.DeleteFile(_photoPath + @"\" + _photoFilename);
//use p.GetImage() stream to save to IsolatedStorage with updated file name
I've run your code - you miss the file extension while creating file name (you should consider that it can be jpg, png, or other image). My working code (copying fragment) looks like this:
photoFilename = @"" + i.ToString() + p.Name.Substring(p.Name.LastIndexOf('.'));
if (storage.FileExists(_photoPath + @"\" + _photoFilename))
storage.DeleteFile(_photoPath + @"\" + _photoFilename);
using (IsolatedStorageFileStream file = storage.CreateFile(_photoPath + @"\" + _photoFilename))