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Retrieve a progress of index creation process in PostgreSQL

Consider long-running query in PostgreSQL of index creation, smth like that:

CREATE INDEX some_idx   
   ON some_table   USING btree  
      (some_varchar_column COLLATE pg_catalog."default");

The question is: how to retrieve the progress of this query process? Is it possible or not?

It is interesting to know the way in both cases:

  1. using pgAdmin
  2. using SQL
  3. using some internal postgreSQL tools.

May be this additional info could influence on the answer: PostgreSQL 9.3 on Windows 7 64 bit.


  • There's a wiki page on this very topic, which links to several links. Their accuracy is in question as of a few years ago. There's also a thread on hackers from 2006 or 2007 regarding adding progress indicators within which, EnterpriseDBs Greg Stark makes the same point.