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Does UVM support nested/inner classes?

The code guideline for our verification environment is one class per file.

Sometimes a uvm_object is only needed by 1 other uvm_component, so, following object-oriented theory, we should use nested/inner classes.

Nested classes are fully supported by SystemVerilog. However, are they supported by UVM?

Is it possible to compile something like the following:

class inception_level_1 extends uvm_test;


  function new(string name = "inception_level_1", uvm_component parent = null);, parent);

  class inception_level_2 extends uvm_object;

    int a;

      `uvm_field_int(a, UVM_DEFAULT)

    function new(string name = "inception_level_2");;



Currently the above code gives a compile error:

** Error: (vlog-2889) Illegal to access non-static method 'uvm_report_warning' outside its class scope.

Full code example here:


  • SystemVerilog has packages, which is the preferred mechanism to "hide" class declarations from other packages.

    You will have problems using the field macros, or anything else that tries to reference identifiers from inside the inner class that are defined with the same name in both the global uvm_pkg and the outer class. All the uvm_report_... methods are defined in both because uvm_component is extended from uvm_report_object, and uvm_report_... is in the global uvm_pkg.

    You will also have problems using the factory with nested classes. Only the outer class will be able to provide overrides by type, but string based overrides by name are global. So even if you nested the inner class, scopes other than the outer class will be able to provide it as an override by string name.