Let's say I have a website where for each main section I have a specific sidebar.
Currently I have a single sidebar file, where im using categories to filter the correct content to show like this:
{{#inArray page.categories "Components"}}
<section class="sg-index">
<li {{#is title "DetailContent"}} class="active"{{/is}}>
<a href="c-DetailContent.html">DetailContent</a>
However my goal is to have these sidebar files located at each section folder, along with the section files.
How can I include the {{dirname}} variable in the partials call {{> sidebar}}?
This should be possible with a conditional block helper, like {{with}}
and the include helper,
B you could also create a custom helper, something like this:
var path = require('path');
var _ = require('lodash');
var matter = require('gray-matter');
module.exports.register = function (Handlebars, options, params) {
var assemble = params.assemble;
var grunt = params.grunt;
var opts = options || {};
Handlebars.registerHelper('sidenav', function(page, context) {
if(page.published !== false && page.sidenav) {
if(!Array.isArray(assemble.partials)) {
assemble.partials = [assemble.partials];
var filepath = _.first(_.filter(assemble.partials, function(fp) {
return path.basename(fp, path.extname(fp)) === page.sidenav;
// Process context, using YAML front-matter,
// grunt config and Assemble options.data
var pageObj = matter(filepath) || {};
var metadata = pageObj.context || {};
context = _.extend(this, opts.data[page.sidenav], metadata, context);
var partial = Handlebars.partials[page.sidenav];
var template = Handlebars.compile(partial);
var output = template(context);
// Prepend output with the filepath to the original partial
// for debugging
var sidenav = opts.sidenav || opts.data.sidenav || {};
if(sidenav.origin === true) {
output = '<!-- ' + filepath + ' -->\n' + output;
return new Handlebars.SafeString(output);
then use it in your markup like this:
<div class="sidebar" role="complementary">
<ul class="nav sidenav">
{{sidenav this}}