Hello I'm having trouble with a little program I am trying to write. The problem is if I'm given any matrix size (lets just say a 4x4 for this example), find the largest product of n numbers in a row (lets say n = 3). The 3 numbers in a row can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. So heres a matrix:
1 1 2 5
1 5 2 4
1 7 2 3
1 8 2 1
If n was equal to 3 then my largest product would be 280 (5*7*8). Now I have my matrix loaded into a 2D vector. I'm not too picky on how the program works(brute force is fine), so far I know I'm going to have to have at least two nested for loops to go through each staring location of the matrix but I haven't been successful in finding the current answer. Any advice will help, thank you.
Version to find max product in rows using rolling multiplication to save some resources. This rolling procedure means that we don't have to multiply n
values to find each product of these n
values, but instead we have to just do one multiplication and one division:
if (currN == N) { // compute full product first time
while (currn) {
product *= (*it3++);
} else { // rolling computation
product *= (*(it3 + n - 1)) / (*(it3 - 1));
it3 += n;
It is up to you to complete this to handle also columns:
populate matrix:
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef vector< vector< int> > Matrix;
typedef Matrix::iterator outIt;
typedef vector< int>::iterator inIt;
void fillMatrix( Matrix& matrix) {
outIt it = matrix.begin();
(*it).push_back( 1);
(*it).push_back( 1);
(*it).push_back( 2);
(*it).push_back( 5);
(*it).push_back( 1);
(*it).push_back( 5);
(*it).push_back( 2);
(*it).push_back( 4);
(*it).push_back( 1);
(*it).push_back( 7);
(*it).push_back( 2);
(*it).push_back( 3);
(*it).push_back( 1);
(*it).push_back( 8);
(*it).push_back( 2);
(*it).push_back( 1);
print matrix and find max product in rows:
void printMatrix( Matrix& matrix) {
outIt it = matrix.begin();
while ( it != matrix.end()) {
inIt it2 = (*it).begin();
while ( it2 != (*it).end()) {
printf( "%d", *it2);
printf( "\n");
* @param matrix
* Largest product in row using rolling multiplication
* @param n number of factors
* @param v factors of largest product
* @return largest product
int largestProductInRow( Matrix& matrix, int n, vector< int>& v) {
if ( n > matrix.size()) return -1;
int res = 0;
int N = matrix.size() - n + 1; // number of products in row (or column)
/* search in rows */
outIt it = matrix.begin();
while (it != matrix.end()) {
inIt it2 = (*it).begin();
int currN = N;
int product = 1;
while (currN) { // rolling product calculation
inIt it3 = it2;
int currn = n;
if (currN == N) { // compute full product first time
while (currn) {
product *= (*it3++);
} else { // rolling computation
product *= (*(it3 + n - 1)) / (*(it3 - 1));
it3 += n;
if (product > res) {
res = product;
copy(it3 - n, it3, v.begin());
return res;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Matrix matrix( 4, vector< int>());
fillMatrix( matrix);
printMatrix( matrix);
vector< int> v(3);
int res = largestProductInRow( matrix, 3, v);
printf( "res:%d\n", res);
copy( v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, ","));
return 0;
RUN SUCCESSFUL (total time: 113ms)