I have built a predicate, which converts Roman numerals into Arabic ones. The only problem is that the predicate is limited: if I want to convert more than 3 Arabic numerals at once it does not work anymore.
This is how the predicate should work:
?- convert([v,i,i],Arabic).
Arabic = 7.
My solution so far:
convert([],X) :- X is 0, !.
convert([T],X) :- tran(T,E), X is E,!.
convert([T|Ts],X) :- tran(T,E), tran(Ts,Es), X is E+Es,!.
convert([T,Ts,Tss],X) :- tran(T,E), tran(Ts,Es), tran(Tss,Ess), X is E+Es+Ess.
I know why the predicate does not work with more than 3 numerals and I could also expand the convert-predicate, but with the same pattern as shown above.
How can I make the convert-predicate more "general" (so that it could work independently of the number of numerals)? Or do you have other ideas how to write the predicate? Thanks :)
I haven't tested this too much, but I've tried it on several numbers and it seems to work.
The code obeys "subtractive pair rule", described, for example, at https://projecteuler.net/about=roman_numerals
The code uses "accumulator" technique to pass information what was the sum of digits seen before. Initial call just sets the accumulator to 0.
digit(i, 1).
digit(v, 5).
digit(x, 10).
digit(l, 50).
digit(c, 100).
digit(d, 500).
digit(m, 1000).
convert(Roman, Arabic) :-
convert(Roman, 0, Arabic).
convert([], Acc, Acc).
convert([A], Acc, Arabic) :-
digit(A, AVal),
Arabic is Acc + AVal.
convert([A, B | Rest], Acc, Arabic) :-
digit(A, AVal), digit(B, BVal),
AVal < BVal,
NewAcc is Acc + BVal - AVal,
convert(Rest, NewAcc, Arabic).
convert([A, B | Rest], Acc, Arabic) :-
digit(A, AVal), digit(B, BVal),
AVal >= BVal,
NewAcc is Acc + AVal,
convert([B | Rest], NewAcc, Arabic).
Some tests:
convert([v, i, i], Arabic).
Arabic = 7
?- convert([x, i, x], Arabic).
Arabic = 19
?- convert([m, d, c, v, i], Arabic).
Arabic = 1606
It's probably possible to write a predicate convert
that works both ways in true Prolog spirit using constraint programming, but I haven't tried this approach.