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Angular - abort ajax request when using Restangular

I have a method that calls an angular service and consequently makes an ajax request via the service. I need to make sure that if this is called several times, the previous request in aborted (if it hasn't already been resolved that is).

This method can get called multiple times. This method is actually from ngTable on ngTableParams:

getData = function($defer, params) {


Here's the method on the service:

this.getRecords = function(params) {

    return Restangular

If ngTable makes 3 calls I want the first 2 to be aborted (unless of course they returned so fast that it got resolved)


  • You can abort $http calls via the timeout config property, which can be a Promise, that aborts the request when resolved.

    So in restangular, you can do this like

    var abort = $q.defer();'foos', 12345).withHttpConfig({timeout: abort.promise}).get();

    To integrate it with your usecase, for example, you could have this in your service:

    var abortGet;
    this.getRecords = function(params) {
      if (abortGet) abortGet.resolve();
      abortGet = $q.defer();
      return Restangular
        .withHttpConfig({timeout: abortGet.promise})

    This way calling getRecords always aborts the previous call if has not been resolved yet!