int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
int MAX_LINE = 66;
//user does not enter a file name
if(argc == 1) {
printf("Please enter a file name\n");
//if user enters too many args
if(argc > 2) {
printf("Please only one file name\n");
//grab file name to check if it exists
char *filename = argv[1];
char line[128];
FILE *fileopen;
//file exists, read in line
if(fopen(filename, "r")) {
while(fgets(line, sizeof line, fileopen) != NULL) {
//the file does not exist
else {
printf("File does not exist\n");
return 0;
Hey everybody, I had a question about file i/O in C, specifically fgets. I want to learn a little more about parsing a file line by line, but my file returns a Segmentation fault on fgets. I know a segmentation fault means that a pointer is pointing to nothing, but I am not sure where fgets would be returning a pointer to nothing. Can someone tell me why it would be doing this?
My file is one line text file that says 123 test.
Thank you
fileopen is uninitialized. It so happens to be null in your case, triggering the segmentation fault.
fileopen = open(filename, "r");
if (fileopen)
while (...)