I'm starting developing a project of an android app. For this project i need a map where i can draw circles, polylines and polygons and click in all of this draw shapes to show informations about each one. At this point, googlemaps + spatialite or googlemaps + quadtree + utils to identify if a LatLng belongs to a circle/polyline/polygon can solve the problem but i have one more requirement: i need to cache a zone of the map to work with it on the street without internet. I know that google maps official app can do this with th typing of "Ok Maps" but there are anyway to use that cache in my application? There are another way to do a cache of the map before going to the street and go without internet?
Preferably i would like to use google maps but I'll have to use another api? What?
Due to the need for Google to check your api key, I have not seen any way for third party apps to access google maps offline. If you need offline capabilities, one of the main solutions is something called osmdroid which has a similar interface to google maps but you can cache tiles for offline use.