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How to use the QVector with multiple object

I'm trying to use the QVector class from Qt to work (for me :P). What I want to do is to put multiple instances of the object Question in a QVector.

I went on multiple forums, but they're all too complicated for me as I am a beginner. This one post was perfect but I did not find a way to resolve my problem.

So I'm turning to you to help me!

Here's the function that I want to work :

The part that create the bundle/ the vector

 * @brief MenuQuestionnary::assembleQuiz
 * Assemble the bundle of question that will be used in Quiz class
void MenuQuestionnary::assembleQuiz(){
    QVector<Question> vectorQuiz;
    for(int i = 0; i <= spinBoxNumberOfQuestion->value(); i++){
        vectorQuiz.append(Question((qrand()% maximumNumberOfQuestionAvailable)));

Here's my Question constructor :

Question::Question(int id)
    this->questionId = id;

    //TODO: Actually get it from DB
    this->questionText = "2+2?";
    this->explanation = "Addition mechanics";
    this->creatorId = 1;


What i expect to do here is to put the selected number of the Question object in a vector. After that i can pass it to another class. From there i should be able to extract the text from them(questionText and questionExplanation).


  • I solved it by trying few things Here's the explanation of what i did

    I've split my function in two. The first one put the element in a QList and the second one shuffles it.

     * @brief MenuQuestionnary::assembleQuiz
     * @param list
     * Asseble a quiz in the Qlist and then ask shuffle to shuffle it...
    void MenuQuestionnary::assembleQuiz(QList<Question> &list){
        for(int i = 0; i < spinBoxNumberOfQuestion->value(); ++i){
            int rand = qrand() * maximumNumberOfQuestionAvailable;
            Question newQuestion(rand);
     * Method Shuffle
     * equivalent to shuffling a deck of cards: we take a random one, move it to be the last one,
     * then do it again enough times to have statistically touched every card.
    void MenuQuestionnary::shuffleQuiz(QList<Question> &list){
        int iters = list.size() * list.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i){
            int rand = qrand() * list.size();

    Thanks for the help though.