I love the combination of Slidify with the reveal.js framework.
That said, I can't figure out how to change the background to an image or color using slidify.
For reveal.js, I'd just do:
<section data-background="#007777">
as documented here
I modified the reveal.js slide layout to include the data-background argument as such:
<section class='{{slide.class}}' data-state='{{slide.ds}}' id='{{slide.id}}' data-background='{{slide.background}}'>
and call a new slide like this:
--- .background "#007777"
But no change in the background. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?
Specify it as --- {background: "#007777"}
The dot/hash syntax I use is a shortcut for commonly specified slide properties. So --- .myclass #myid
would actually expand to --- {class: myclass, myid: id}
. The long-form syntax is more flexible as you can specify any valid YAML after the ---
including lists.