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ASP.Net Identity - Use custom Schema

I am using MVC5 + Ef6 code first with ASP.Net Identity 1.0 and wish to have the tables created in a custom schema. i.e. a schema that is not the dbo schema.

I reversed engineered my databse using the Ef power tools and set the schema name for all other tables in the mapping class to the following

this.ToTable("tableName", "schemaName");

I tried doing this for the ASP.Net tables but it kept giving me a lots of errors and eventually I gave up. If I exclude the (reverse engineered) ASP.Net Identity tables from my project they will be created but always in the dbo schema

Anyone know how to do this?


  • public class MyDbContext : EntityDbContext<ApplicationUser>
        public DbSet<ApplicationUser> Users { get; set; }
        public MyDbContext() : base()
        protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            // You can globally assign schema here