In my project (windows Phone 8 C#/XAML .NET 4.5 Application) I'm using Windows Phone Toolkit.
While using CustomMessageBox, I've run into a problem when I use the CustomMessageBox for long text.
here is an example:
CustomMessageBox box = new CustomMessageBox();
box.content = "some really some really some really some really some really some really some really some really some really some really some really some really some really some really long text";
And the text isn't wrapped or scrollable. So I tried Adding it into textblock:
CustomMessageBox box = new CustomMessageBox();
TextBlock txtblck = "some really some really some really some really some really some really some really some really some really some really some really some really some really some really long text";
txtblck.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
box.content = txtblck;
So finally, the text is wrapping as i need, but there is still another problem. How to make it scrollable - for example when you have a really long text - some long notice or legal agreement et cetera...
What should I do? I tried adding the textblock into ScrollViewer, but it does not work. I can scroll a bit, but it does not stay scrollable and when i stop trying to scroll down it returns to the starting position.
ScrollViewer viewer = new ScrollViewer();
TextBlock txtInfo = new TextBlock();
txtInfo.Text = "some long text here.....";
txtInfo.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
viewer.Content = txtInfo;
CustomMessageBox Box = new CustomMessageBox();
Box.Content = viewer;
How can i make the long text/content scrollable? Should I use another solution?
You need to define a fixed value for the height
ScrollViewer viewer = new ScrollViewer() { Height = 500 /* fixed Height */ };
TextBlock txtInfo = new TextBlock();
txtInfo.Text = @"some long text here.....";
txtInfo.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
viewer.Content = txtInfo;
CustomMessageBox Box = new CustomMessageBox();
Box.Content = viewer;