I look for this answer everywhere but I couldn't find satisfied answer so far.
I have UIScrollView
with Tiled UITableView
as subviews
. I did it like it was showed in WWDS 2012 video and it work fine. But now I would like to use Auto Layout and I would like to know right and easy solution for this.
Because if I understand Auto Layout correct I can't specify constraints to subviews
because it will be removed during tiling.
image representation of problem :
When tiling only one UITableView is on the scroll view, other are stored in NSSet but removed from superview.
But when you start scrolling, UItableView are added to scroll view.
I think this implementation is obsolete today. Check out UICollectionView
documentation. And for paging you can find some already implemented solutions too. For example:
One more example:
And check out the article from this dude, I like his posts: