I am having some difficulty populating a select box in Rails with option groups using grouped_options_for_select
I currently have 3 instance variables that I would like to add to one entire grouped array for the grouped select box.
For example, I have:
@fruits (which contains the object(s))
--- !ruby/object:Fruits
id: 2
name: Banana
@veggies (which contains the object(s))
--- !ruby/object:Veggies
id: 23
name: Celery
--- !ruby/object:Veggies
id: 24
name: Carrots
@junk_food (which contains the object(s))
--- !ruby/object:Junk
id: 11
name: Snickers
--- !ruby/object:Junk
id: 12
name: Ice Cream
My question is: How do I take these 3 instance variables and turn them into a grouped select, like:
<optgroup label="Fruits">
<option value="2">Banana</option>
<optgroup label="Veggies">
<option value="23">Celery</option>
<option value="24">Carrots</option>
<optgroup label="Junk">
<option value="11">Snickers</option>
<option value="12">Ice Cream</option>
@fruits = Fruit.all
@veggies = Veggies.all
@junk_food = JunkFood.all
# Then, I'd create the array here using the items above?
I know I am supposed to be using grouped_items_for_select
, but I continue running into a bunch of errors and I am not sure of the proper way to do this.
The grouped_options_for_select
method indeed is the correct one.
Since you haven't provided code, this should result in the grouped options you want:
grouped_options_for_select [['Fruits', @fruits.collect {|v| [ v.name, v.id ] }],
['Veggies', @veggies.collect {|v| [ v.name, v.id ] }],
['Junk', @junk_food.collect {|v| [ v.name, v.id ] }]]
Which can be used to create the dropdown:
select_tag 'Food', grouped_options_for_select(...)
or with form_helper:
f.select :food_attribute, grouped_options_for_select(...)