For example, I want just the "filename" of a file in a field. Say I have myimage.jpg I only want to display "myimage" How do I get just that?
Use the List functions to your advantage.
<cfset FileName = ListDeleteAt(FileFullName, ListLen(FileFullName, "."), ".")>
Be aware that this only works for file names that actually have a file extension (that is defined as the thing after the last dot). To make it safer, the following is better:
<cfset ExtensionIndex = ListLen(FileFullName, ".")>
<cfif ExtensionIndex gt 1>
<cfset FileExt = ListGetAt(ExtensionIndex , ".")>
<cfset FileName = ListDeleteAt(FileFullName, ExtensionIndex, ".")>
<cfset FileExt = "">
<cfset FileName = FileFullName>
To complicate things a bit further: There may be files that start with a dot. There may be file names that contain many adjacent dots. List functions return wrong results for them, as they ignore empty list elements. There may also be files that have dots, but no extension. These can only be handled if you provide an extension white list: ListFindNoCase(FileExt, "doc,xls,ppt,jpg")
. If you want to account for all of this, you probably need to resign to a reguar expression:
<cfset FileExtRe = "(?:\.(?:doc|xls|ppt|jpg))?$">
<cfset FileName = REReplaceNoCase(FileFullName, FileExtRe, "")>
To split file name from path, ColdFusion provides distinct functions that also handle platform differences: GetFileFromPath()
and GetDirectoryFromPath()