There is need for tracing. The decorator should print function name, parameters values and return value. Instead of writing each time a decorator for each function, it would be terrific if it could be possible to do this programmatically.
The current function name can be discovered using reflection via MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod. Functions could be easily decorated with an inline function for logging:
let inline log args f =
let mi = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()
let result = f ()
printf "%s %A -> %A" mi.Name args result
let add a b = log (a,b) (fun () -> a + b)
add 1 1
Which prints: add (1, 1) -> 2
EDIT: Another option would be to create a wrap function, i.e.:
let inline wrap f =
fun ps ->
let result = f args
printfn "%A -> %A" args result
let add (a,b) = a + b
wrap add (1,1)
However in this case there is not an easy way to programmatically retrieve the function name.
Yet another option might be to develop a Type Provider that takes an assembly path as a parameter and provides wrapped versions of all members.