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Does IE10+ have an XDomainRequest object?

I know that IE10+ supports CORS using XMLHttpRequest, just like all other browsers do. However, what is less clear is whether the XDomainRequest object still exists in IE10+. In other words, what does calling new XDomainRequest() in IE10+ return (does it return nothing, a new XDomainRequest object, a new XMLHttpRequest object, or something else), and is the behavior the same for IE10 vs IE11?

P.S. I know this is something that can be easily verified with an IE browser, but a) I don't have access to a Windows machine and b) the Microsoft docs are silent on the behavior.

EDIT: I wrote a function that I believe will reveal the answer, if someone would be so kind as to run it in IE10 and IE11 and report back:


  • Yes, IE10 (and presumably IE11) still have the XDomainRequest transport object. I verified myself in a real copy of IE10 running on Windows 7. window.XDomainRequest reveals the constructor function.