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XPath base query to return the element within a tag/ the max length in value

XPath base query to return the element within a tag/ the max length in value =============================================================================

We have large XML data file. XMLSPY is not able to open this file.

Given a list of elements containing text:

  <AttachText>text text text ...</AttachText>
  <AttachText>text text text ...</AttachText>

I like to find out whether data exist for AttachText element and it size/length.

I tried with Grep/Sed in Linux, but I did not get desired result.

I'm not sure how to accomplish it. I like to pick up the brain of this forum for some ideas.

Thank in helping.

Is it possible to use xmlstarlet to get the result?


  • you might try :

    awk -F"[<>]" '$3 {print $3,length($3)}' file