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Inconsistent behavior in webform during site-level localization

I've setup a web site to be localized using Global resources only. I'm having a hard time figuring out why a page is always giving inconsistent behavior every time I trigger a culture change through a drop down list. Here are my resource files:

Resources: Resource files

Setup Here is the Base Page that is inherited by all pages:

  public partial class BaseWebForm : Page

    protected override void InitializeCulture()
      if (Session["UserLanguage"] != null)
        String selectedLanguage = Session["UserLanguage"].ToString();
        UICulture = selectedLanguage;
        Culture = selectedLanguage;

        CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(selectedLanguage);
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = culture;



I'm using a Session variable, UserLanguage, to manage selected language. My site assumes en-US as default language and the drop down is displayed on the login page. That means the user cannot change language on any page as, upon login page, a service retrieves available languages.

I'm using Master page and I've handled the menus, breadcrumb SiteMapPath, and LTR-RTL there.

On the actual page, here is a brief:

  public partial class PublicLogOn : BaseWebForm

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
          SiteLogger.NLogger.Info("Request Authenticated");

        #region Handle Return URL

        if (HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"] != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"]))
          var tempUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"];

          SiteLogger.NLogger.Info("Return URL : " + tempUrl);

          if (tempUrl.Contains(@"/SecuredArea/AdminArea/"))
            buttonLogOn.Visible = false;
            // buttonAdminLogOn.Visible = true;
          else if (tempUrl.Contains(@"/SecuredArea/EmployeeArea/"))
            buttonLogOn.Visible = true;
            // buttonAdminLogOn.Visible = false;
            // buttonLogOn.Visible = buttonAdminLogOn.Visible = true;
            buttonLogOn.Visible = true;


        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
          SiteLogger.NLogger.Info("Loading Languages and Directories");

          // Actual language loading                
          if (!LoadLanguages() || !LoadDirectories())
            SiteLogger.NLogger.Info("Loading Languages or Directories failed!");

          SiteLogger.NLogger.Info("Completed : PublicLogOn.PageLoad");

        // Don't know why this fails and the drop-down still shows en-US even culture is ur-PK    
        //if (Session["UserLanguage"] != null)
        //  DDLLanguages.SelectedValue = Session["UserLanguage"].ToString();

      catch (Exception ex)
        SiteLogger.NLogger.Error("Error in PublicLogOn.Page_Load", ex.Message);


    private Boolean LoadLanguages()
      Boolean methodResult;
        SiteLogger.NLogger.Info("In Load Languages");

        // This line also mess up
        // Session["UserLanguage"] = null;

        var fetchedLanguages = UserManagePage.GetOrganizationLanguages();

        foreach (var oneFetchedLanguage in fetchedLanguages)
          DDLLanguages.Items.Add(new ListItem(oneFetchedLanguage.LanguageSymbol, oneFetchedLanguage.LanguageSymbol));

        if (fetchedLanguages.Count() == 1)
          DDLLanguages.Enabled = false;

        methodResult = true;
      catch (Exception exp)
        SiteLogger.NLogger.Error("Error in load languages : ", exp.ToString());        
        labelMessage.Text = MessageFormatter.GetFormattedErrorMessage("Error retrieving organization languages.");
        methodResult = false;

      return methodResult;

    private Boolean LoadDirectories()
      // Nothing to-do with code-in-question

    protected void ButtonLogOn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      // Nothing to-do with code-in-question

    protected void DDLLanguages_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
      Session["UserLanguage"] = DDLLanguages.SelectedValue;

      // Reload-hack. Was recommended on SO.


After all of this, there one more point where the session variable is used as read-only: I'm using a header to tell my server that the client's using xyz language and that server should return translated data, where applicable:

public class CustomInspectorBehavior : IClientMessageInspector, IEndpointBehavior
  #region IClientMessageInspector
  public object BeforeSendRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel)
    string languageIdentifier;
    if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserLanguage"] != null)
      languageIdentifier = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserLanguage"].ToString();
      languageIdentifier = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.ToString();
    var typedHeader = new MessageHeader<string>(languageIdentifier);
    var untypedHeader = typedHeader.GetUntypedHeader("LanguageIdentifier", "");

    return null;



  #region IEndpointBehavior

  public void ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime clientRuntime)
    var inspector = new CustomInspectorBehavior();


Results Expected: I change the selected value on the drop-down and the page reload with new language + secure the selection in session. Now upon going to other pages, the new language is presented.

Actual: "LOL". I change the selected value from the default en-US to ur-PK and the web site updates to Urdu. All pages are in Urdu. I try to select en-US again and I realize I'm stuck with Urdu. The base page's InitializeCulture() trigger way too early and it finds Session["UserLanguage"] = ur-PK'. After that thePage_Loadof thePublicLogOnpage triggers effectively putting Drop down's selected value to still ur-PK. After thatDDLLanguages_SelectedIndexChangedof thePublicLogOn` page triggers updating the session variable to the selected value which is set to ur-PK from the recent PageLoad. Issue. The Hack triggers in the end repeating the cycle one more time.

I'm trying a number of things but end in this mini-loop. Any help will be appriciated.


  • I re-did the whole thing from scratch. Turns out there was one or two variables being static at IIS level which were the cause of all the pain.