Microsoft's documentation for PE/COFF says of the type field in the symbol table:
"The most significant byte specifies whether the symbol is a pointer to, function returning, or array of the base type that is specified in the LSB. Microsoft tools use this field only to indicate whether the symbol is a function, so that the only two resulting values are 0x0 and 0x20 for the Type field."
However, the documentation and winnt.h both specify that IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_FUNCTION = 2, not 0x20. Even if this is taken to be the value of the MSB, that would give a value for the entire field of 0x200, not 0x20.
What am I missing?
Check winnt.h for following lines:
// type packing constants
#define N_BTMASK 0x000F
#define N_TMASK 0x0030
#define N_TMASK1 0x00C0
#define N_TMASK2 0x00F0
#define N_BTSHFT 4
#define N_TSHIFT 2
// Basic Type of x
#define BTYPE(x) ((x) & N_BTMASK)
// Is x a pointer?
#ifndef ISPTR
// Is x a function?
#ifndef ISFCN
So it seems official MSB, LSB description is wrong - they are not bytes but nibbles. So 0x20 would be a function (MS nibble = 2) returning base type of IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_NULL (LS nibble = 0) .