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How to Disable RevMob ads with IAP

Hey Guys I need some help please. I have integrated IAP into my app, and every IAP is working great except when it comes to disabling Revmob ads. Has anyone ever done this? I am using Full Screen and pop up. But I have no clue how to stop the ads once the purchase is successful. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • If your the IAP is non-consumable the easiest way would be to add a flag to NSUserDefaults that becomes enabled once a user has bought the IAP. Then before you call the ad check if the flag is enabled or not.

    Some sudo code for this would be:

    // in whatever class handles your IAP
    -(void)userBoughtOrRestoredTheNoAdsIAP {
        [defaults setBOOL:YES forKey:HideAdsForUser];
    // in your view controller
    -(void)displayAd {
        if (![defaults boolForKey:HideAdsForUser]) {
            [RevMobAd showFullscreen];