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How to get current executing method's out parameter list in c#?

I am stuck on, Suppose I am having a method:

public void InsertEmployee(Employee _employee, out Guid _employeeId)
    //My code
    //Current execution is here. 
    //And here I need a list of 'out' parameters of 'InsertEmployee' Method

How to achieve this? one way i know


But how about more specific to out parameter only?


  • // boilerplate (paste into LINQPad)
    void Main()
         int bar;
         MethodWithParameters(1, out bar);
         Console.WriteLine( bar );
    void MethodWithParameters( int foo, out int bar ){
    bar = 123;
    var parameters = MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().GetParameters();
    foreach( var p in parameters )
        if( p.IsOut ) // the important part
            Console.WriteLine( p.Name + " is an out parameter." );

    IsOut Reference

    This method depends on an optional metadata flag. This flag can be inserted by compilers, but the compilers are not obligated to do so.

    This method utilizes the Out flag of the ParameterAttributes enumerator.