Given an indexable data structure, say vector = ['a','b','c'] of size n=3 and an int i = 3, I would like to transform the 3 into its n-bit binary representation (011) and return the elements ['b','c'] of the vector. That is, for each 1 in the binary representation, return the element at that location. But how do I talk about 'location' in a binary number? I'm having trouble mapping one idea to the other. Any help appreciated.
Use bit shifting to test every bit of i
for(x=0; x<sizeof(int) * 8; x++)
if((i & (1<<x)) > 0)
// bit at position x is set in i
add vector[i];
this will result in
011 & 001 = 001 // true
011 & 010 = 010 // true
011 & 100 = 000 // false
.. etc