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iPOJO Components instantiated but no visible output

I have 2 iPOJO Components.

1- A Provider bundle that provides "Hello" service. Below is the implementation of the component:

package helloipojo;

import helloipojo.service.HelloService;

import org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Invalidate;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Provides;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Validate;

public class HelloServiceImpl implements HelloService{

    public void sayHello() {

        System.out.println("Hello iPojo!");


    public void start() throws Exception {

        System.out.println("Hello, I am ipojo bundle start method");


    public void stop() throws Exception {

        System.out.println("Bye Bye, I am ipojo bundle stop method");



2- Consumer bundle that uses HelloService object as the follwing:

 package helloserviceconsumer;

import helloipojo.service.HelloService;

import org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Invalidate;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Requires;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Validate;

public class HelloConsumer {
              HelloService helloObject;

              private void start() {
                       // Starting method

                protected void stop() {
                        // Stopping method
                        if(helloObject!=null) { helloObject.sayHello(); }

                        else System.out.println("hello service GONE!");

In a seperate Java application, I load these two bundles and start them on Apache Felix as the following:

Bundle b = bundleContext1.installBundle("file:C:\\Users\\zaid.almahmoud\\Desktop\\plugins\\HelloService_1.0.0.201401222235.jar");

Bundle c = bundleContext1.installBundle("file:C:\\Users\\zaid.almahmoud\\Desktop\\plugins\\HelloServiceConsumer_1.0.0.201401222257.jar");

All the above works fine.

Now, I would like to instantiate these two components dynamically and observe the consumption of the bundle provider service by the bundle consumer. I used Instance Declaration, as the following:

DefaultInstanceDeclaration providerDeclaration = new DefaultInstanceDeclaration(b.getBundleContext(), "my-factory");

DefaultInstanceDeclaration consumerDeclaration = new DefaultInstanceDeclaration(c.getBundleContext(), "my-consumer-factory");

No errors when running the application. However, I could not see the "Hello" Messages that exists in the start() methods of both the service provider and consumer. I see absolutely NOTHING. That means the components are not instantiated correctly. Where did I go wrong? Thanks.


I found out that I did not apply iPOJO manipulation on my bundle, so I did that using iPOJO Ant Task, as the following:

<target name="main">
    <!-- Change the path to point on the iPOJO Ant task jar-->
    <taskdef name="ipojo"

Now, I can see in my app that the factory is valid. This is the output in the command:

g! ipojo:factories
Factory my-factory (VALID)
Factory org.apache.felix.ipojo.arch.gogo.Arch (UNKNOWN) - Private

Therefore the factory "my-factory" is available unlike before.

However, my instance is not available, which was created as the following:

DefaultInstanceDeclaration providerDeclaration = new DefaultInstanceDeclaration(b.getBundleContext(), "my-factory");

Again, this does not show an error, but it doesn't display the expected output in the start() method of the bundle, and on the command, I can see that:

g! ipojo:instance my-factory-0
Instance named 'my-factory-0' not found
g! ipojo:instances
Instance org.apache.felix.ipojo.arch.gogo.Arch-0 -> valid

Can you help please? Thanks.


  • Using Instance Declaration did not work for me. Though, I was able to instantiate my component using Factory Service, as the following:

    ServiceReference[] references = context.getServiceReferences(Factory.class.getName(),"(");
        if (references == null)
        System.out.println("No reference");
        else {
              Factory factory =  context.getService(references[0]);
              x = factory.createComponentInstance(null); //here instantiating my component
              x.start(); //this starts my component service and executes start method
              x.dispose(); //this stops my component service and executes stop method

    I got this code to work only after placing it into a bundle which will be loaded by my java app.