At first I would like greet all Users and apologize for my english :). I'm new user on this forum. I have a question about MySQL queries. I have table Items with let say 2 columns for example itemsID and ItemsQty.
itemsID ItemsQty
11 2
12 3
13 3
15 5
16 1
I need select itemsID but duplicated as many times as indicated in column ItemsQty.
itemsID ItemsQty
11 2
11 2
12 3
12 3
12 3
13 3
13 3
13 3
15 5
15 5
15 5
15 5
15 5
16 1
I tried that query:
SELECT items.itemsID, items.itemsQty
FROM base.items
SELECT items.itemsQty AS Qty FROM base.items
) AS Numbers ON items.itemsQty <=Numbers.Qty
ORDER BY items.itemsID;
but it doesn't work correctly. Thanks in advance for help.
SQL answer - Option 1
You need another table called numbers
with the numbers 1 up to the maximum for ItemsQuantity
max number for ItemsQuantity
Then the following SELECT statement will work
SELECT ItemsID, ItemsQty
FROM originaltable
JOIN numbers
ON originaltable.ItemsQty >= numbers.number
ORDER BY ItemsID, number
See this fiddle -> you should always set-up a fiddle like this when you can - it makes everyone's life easier!!!
code answer - option 2
MySQL probably won't do what you want 'cleanly' without a second table (although some clever person might know how)
What is wrong with doing it with script?
Just run a SELECT itemsID, ItemsQty FROM table
Then when looping through the result just do (pseudo code as no language specified)
newArray = array(); // new array
While Rows Returned from database{ //loop all rows returned
loop number of times in column 'ItemsQty'{
newArray -> add 'ItemsID'
}//end of while loop
This will give you a new array
0 => 11
1 => 11
2 => 12
3 => 12
4 => 12
5 => 13