I've made an imagemap with 9 areas, using mapster. Clicking an area now results in displaying some text above the imagemap. I would like to display images from several folders instead, depending on the area that is selected. When area 'kamer1' is selected on the imagemap, I would like all images from the folder '/kamer1' to be displayed above the imagemap.
It is my first time working with JavaScript, so expect it is a simple problem for someone out there.
I've made a JSFIDDLE: http://jsfiddle.net/BTnV2/7/
<div style="clear: both; width: 900px; height: 450px;" id="details"></div>
<img id="layout" src="http://i61.tinypic.com/2yl4spc.png" usemap="#usa" style="width:900px;height:800px;">
<map id="usa_image_map" name="usa">
<area href="#" room="kamer1" full="B&B" shape="rect" coords="50,764,143,635">
<area href="#" room="kamer2" full="B&B" shape="rect" coords="146,764,238,669">
<area href="#" room="kamer3" full="B&B" shape="rect" coords="241,764,326,669">
<area href="#" room="hal" full="B&B" shape="rect" coords="146,666,326,635">
<area href="#" room="badkamer" full="B&B" shape="rect" coords="234,632,326,574">
<area href="#" room="keuken" full="B&B" shape="poly" coords="50,632,229,632,229,570,303,570,303,508,150,508,150,540,50,540">
<area href="#" room="boven" full="B&B" shape="rect" coords="50,540,150,508">
<area href="#" room="kamer4" full="B&B" shape="rect" coords="50,505,217,392">
<area href="#" room="kamer5" full="B&B" shape="rect" coords="220,505,392,392">
var xref = {
kamer1: "<b>FOTO's van kamer 1</b>",
kamer2: "<b>FOTO's van kamer 2</b>",
kamer3: "<b>FOTO's van kamer 3</b>",
hal: "<b>FOTO's van hal</b>",
badkamer: "<b>FOTO's van badkamer</b>",
keuken: "<b>FOTO's van keuken</b>",
boven: "<b>FOTO's van boven kamer</b>",
kamer4: "<b>FOTO's van kamer 4</b>",
kamer5: "<b>FOTO's van kamer 5</b>"
var image = $('#layout');
fillOpacity: 0.5,
fillColor: "c20000",
stroke: true,
strokeColor: "c20000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWidth: 3,
singleSelect: true,
mapKey: 'room',
listKey: 'room',
clickNavigate: true,
fade: false,
fadeDuration: 50,
showToolTip: true,
toolTipContainer: '<div style="clear: both; align: center;"></div>',
areas: [{
key: "kamer1",
toolTip: "Groepsaccommodatie <br> kamer 1"
}, {
key: "kamer2",
toolTip: "Groepsaccommodatie <br> kamer 2"
}, {
key: "kamer3",
toolTip: "Groepsaccommodatie <br> kamer 3"
}, {
key: "hal",
toolTip: "Groepsaccommodatie <br> hal"
}, {
key: "badkamer",
toolTip: "Groepsaccommodatie <br> badkamer"
}, {
key: "keuken",
toolTip: "Keuken en eetkamer"
}, {
key: "boven",
toolTip: "Recreatieruimte"
}, {
key: "kamer4",
toolTip: "Bed & Breakfast <br> kamer 1"
}, {
key: "kamer5",
toolTip: "Bed & Breakfast <br> kamer 2"
onClick: function (e) {
var xref = {
kamer1: {
"desc":"FOTO's van kamer 1",
kamer2: {
"desc":"FOTO's van kamer 2",
// note the lack of comma on the last room
onClick: function (e) {
var room = xref[e.key];
var html = '<b>'+room.desc+'</b><br/>';
for (var i=0;i<room.images.length;i++)
html += '<img src="'+images[i]+'" alt="image #'+(i+1)+'" />';
If you do NOT know the number or name of the images you can try this:
var xref = {
kamer1: "FOTO's van kamer 1",
kamer2: "FOTO's van kamer 2",
kamer3: "FOTO's van kamer 3"
onClick: function (e) {
var html = '<b>'+xref[e.key]+'</b><br/>';
var imagePath = e.key+"/"+e.key+"_";
for (var i=1;i<=5;i++) {
html += '<img src="'+imagePath+i+'" alt="image #'+(i+1)+'"'+
' onerror="this.parentNode.removeChild(this)" />';