I'm trying to scaffold an app with Rails 4 and I had this little issue with the foreing keys, forms and Entity names. Here are some details:
rails g scaffold user_type name:string
rails g scaffold user name:string pass:string user_type:references
As you can see there is a simple relationship 1:n between an user_type
and a user
. An it generates the right scaffold on this case. Here is an image of the form generated,
But what I want as a result of the generator is the next form,
So the first change that I want from rails g scaffold
is to generate, at least e 1:n relationships with a select input. And also I'm looking for a solution that involves the Models with a label
or something. I need a scaffold command
that finally generates this.
Witch means that the Entity user_type
has his name
attribute has a "presentation label".
I understand that I can create a generator from scratch, but I believe that I'm missing some options at the command line, because the change actually really tiny.
And can come up with a solution that involves inserting the right code in each CRUD but i'm planning to use this into a 150 tables database. Any help?
You can replace the templates that the scaffold generator uses by creating alternative templates in a lib/templates/erb/scaffold
folder in your application root.
In this case, you will want to copy the original _form.html.erb
template and replace the text field with a collection_select:
<%- if attribute.reference? -%>
<%%= f.label :<%= attribute.column_name %> %><br>
- <%%= f.<%= attribute.field_type %> :<%= attribute.column_name %> %>
+ <%%= f.collection_select :<%= attribute.column_name %>, <%= attribute.name.camelize %>.all, :id, :name, prompt: true %>
<%- else -%>
More details can be read in my post on the subject.