I have pagination implemented in the backend, and i get the cells from the server.
The data is divided into batches, and i have to check, if the batch already exists in the database, i dont have to fetch that from the server.
To make that work , i need to just fetch first 15 rows, and then get the next 15 on event trigger.
is there any way to do so?
[fetchRequest setFetchBatchSize:15];
The above keeps fetching automatically as we scroll.
start with setting the request's fetch offset to 0 with a fetchLimit to 15 and just add 15 to the fetchOffset each time... Hope this helps
// first fetch
request.fetchOffset = 0;
request.fetchLimit = 15;
// second fetch
request.fetchOffset = 15;
request.fetchLimit = 15;
// third fetch
request.fetchOffset = 30;
request.fetchLimit = 15;