I have to write a doubly linked list, I am trying to implement the erase(Type obj)
method which takes an argument obj and traverses through the list and deletes every node which has the element obj.
The problem I am facing is, I am iterating through the linked list from front and when I find the node which has the obj element, I change the next/previous pointers of the the nodes before and after the node with obj element. However I am not DELETING the node with obj itself, as far as I know c++ has no garbage collection so the node which had obj is still somewhere hanging in the air. How do I delete that?
My erase()
template <typename Type>
int Double_list<Type>::erase( Type const &obj ) {
if (empty()){
return 0;
if (size() == 1 && head()->retrieve() == obj){
list_head = nullptr;
list_tail = nullptr;
return 1;
//Counter to hold the number of items deleted
int count = 0;
//Iterating through the linked list
for (Double_node<Type> *ptr = head(); ptr != nullptr; ptr = ptr->next()){
if (ptr->retrieve() == obj){
ptr->previous_node->next_node = ptr->next();
ptr->next()->previous_node = ptr->previous();
// delete ptr; // This stops me from iterating through the for loop
return count;
While you traversing your list, you are doing it using pointer to nodes which is of type Double_node<Type> *
, which means that it was allocated somewhere and could be deleted with simple delete ptr
, but since you are using it also to get next element in list you have to be careful and remember it prematurely, so it should be something like:
Double_node<Type> *ptr_next = 0;
for (Double_node<Type> *ptr = head(); ptr != nullptr; ptr = ptr_next) {
ptr_next = ptr->next ();
if (ptr->retrieve() == obj){
if (ptr->previous_node)
ptr->previous_node->next_node = ptr->next();
ptr->next()->previous_node = ptr->previous();
delete ptr;
I believe that should do the trick.