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google-cloud-sql cannot get replication working

I have followed this guide 4 times now. With 3 different workstations. []

I have one cloud-sql instance, I have two compute instances.

each gce instance its just ubuntu with a lamp stack.

the Cloud-Sql instance would be the master, and the to mysql instances on the GCE vm's would be the slaves.

when I use the command in the google cloud-sql guide I get this:

macpro:~ Weatherman$ gcloud sql instances patch --backup-start-time 01:00 This command will change the instance setting. The following body will be used for the patch api method.

{'instance': '', 'settings': {'backupConfiguration':
[{'binaryLogEnabled': False, 'enabled': True, 'id': ',
'startTime': '01:00'}]}}
Do you want to continue (Y/n)? n

now from reading that I can see its set to "false". But that is the EXACT command the documentation says to use....

Any help greatly appreciated.

EDIT: I removed the instance name's and id's from the command....the commands issued were 100% correct.


  • Apologies - looks like the documentation is incorrect. We'll get that fixed.

    In the meantime, could you try the following command to enable binary log:

    gcloud sql instances patch --enable-bin-log <instance name>