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Select all by type: Geometry. Equivalent Python script?

I was trying to find the right code to make maya select all the geometry objects in my scene. I tried to echo command while doing the operation and I get this:

select -r `listTransforms -geometry`;

(Edit > Select All by Type > Geometry)

Could anyone translate this to Python?


  • What you're seeing is the procedure SelectAllGeometry, and its contents:

    select -r `listTransforms -geometry`;

    That command is several parts. The part in the backquotes:

    listTransforms -geometry

    Is actually a MEL procedure. Run the command help listTransforms to see the path to the .mel file. Reading that, the command is actually

    listRelatives("-p", "-path", eval("ls", $flags));

    The output of that is the argument to:

    select -r the_list_of_geometry_transforms

    So check out Maya's MEL and Python command reference for select, listRelatives, and ls, to research how one command translates to the other:

    Combining that all together, the equivalent MEL actually being called is:

    select -r `listRelatives("-p", "-path", eval("ls", $flags))`

    And as Python, that would be:

    from maya import cmds, p=True, path=True), r=True)

    Expanded out to be just a tad more readable:

    from maya import cmds
    geometry =
    transforms = cmds.listRelatives(geometry, p=True, path=True), r=True)