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Start my application on genymotion

I have just installed genymotions, but when I try to start my app on it, as described at the end of this paragraph, eclipse starts the old emulator even if the new one(genymotion) is running. I tried to change the debug configuration but the only virtual devices that I can see in target are the old emulators(see the photo below).

If in target i follow this answer, I get the following error :

[2014-01-30 19:50:00 - HelloWorld] No active compatible AVD's or devices found. Relaunch this configuration after connecting a device or starting an AVD.

Moreover I followed the FAQs that suggests how to bing the SDK. I show my configuration in the second photo.

The devices shown in the photo are all made with AVD, there aren't the one of genymotion and neither the one that is running: enter image description here

Here I put the configurations of genymotion: enter image description here

How can I say to eclipse to start the genymotion emulator and not the AVD one?


  • Looking at your screenshot I think you should unselect all the AVDs displayed on the list. The option you chose launches the best selected AVD by default, and optionally a device.

    Also, the Genymotion instances are considered as real devices by ADB and ADT. So, as GhostDerfel mentioned, you need to run one of them before running your app on Genymotion instance.

    To know all the detected devices by ADB you can look at the "Devices" section of DDMS. If a Genymotion device is detected, it should show a name like this : genymotion-galaxy_s3....

    You can also run this command adb devices. The result should show something like this:

    List of devices attached     device

    Each Genymotion machine is listed by its local IP address here.

    If you can't find your Genymotion instance(s), check that you have the lastest version of Genymotion. A ADB detection bug has been fixed on the release 2.0.2