I have a record class like this:
class Address extends Record[Address] {
def meta = Address
object countryCode extends OptionalStringField(this, None) {
override def name = "Country"
var c = "" // this isn't doing anything but I set it up just to build the simple SHtml.select
override def toForm = Full(SHtml.select(List(("usa", "usa"),("ca", "ca")), Empty, c = _ ))
object Address extends Address with MetaRecord[Address] { }
and then this form is displayed like this:
object FormPage extends CssBoundLiftScreen {
def formName = "MyForm"
val record = Address.createRecord
field(record.countryCode, FieldBinding("addressCountryCode")
in a template like this:
<div class="form">
<div class="lift:FormPage">
<div class="fields">
<div id="MyForm_addressCountryCode_field"></div>
Is this the right way to do inputs other than a simple text field using Record/CssBoundLiftScreen? It doesn't seem like this select would update or create a record properly. How would I have the select show the value of the record field?
If you look at the scaladaoc for OptionalStringField, there are two methods that are provided through the superclass SettableValueHolder
and that provide access to the underlying value: get
and set
def set (in: Option[MyType]) : Option[MyType]
Set the value of the field to the given value. Note: Because setting a field can fail (return non-Full), this method will return defaultValueBox if the field could not be set.
get : Option[MyType]
get the value
I suspect something like this should work for you:
override def toForm = Full(SHtml.select(List(("usa", "usa"),("ca", "ca")), get, v => set(Some(v)) ))